Greys Mallory
Cockell vs Holton Dispute concerning repairs to a listed house after a fire Instructed by Darryl Barnes of Blythe Liggins Wrote expert report

St George's Tower Leicester
Dispute between a developer and a main contractor Dispute concerning the timing of Practical Completion, settled out of court Instructed by Jonathan Pawlowski of Davies Arnold Cooper (now at Brecher) Wrote expert report

Bishopsgate Goodsyard
Network Rail v Transport for London (Re Bishopsgate Goodsyard) Land valuation dispute heard at the Lands Tribunal in 2003 Instructed by Raj Gupta of Eversheds Prepared a development feasibility study and an expert report

Cockspur House
Crown Estate v Aberdeen Steakhouse Dispute relating to loss of trade due to construction works, heard in the Land Tribunal Wrote expert report, gave evidence at tribunal hearing resulting in a decision in the client’s favour

Morrison Court
Columbus 1 Housing v Georg Galberg Construction defects dispute heard in the High Court in the 1990’s Wrote expert report, drafted Schott schedules Examination in chief by Roger ter Haar QC